Emails and Forum Postings
Posted on February 10 2002
I have the very sad duty to inform everyone that Chris Stevens died suddenly early on Saturday morning here in Sweden.
There is not much that I can say right now but I will post more information when I have it.
Needless to say Chris will be very much missed here at Saab Design.
Mike Cartwright
I would simply like to say that he will be sadly missed. A great friend, modeler and college who always had a great angle on life and work.
Steve Key
Sorry to hear the news Mike.
I remember working with Chris years ago, unfortunately I never saw him again after that, but I do remember
we always had fun working on the job, plus his own particular slant on life always amused us.
He will be sadly missed.
Sympathies to his family
Tony Pettman
It's difficult to say something, just to say the good guy it was and how he given to me big help when I began contract, I will never forget him.
all my condolences to the family.
I will always remember when Chris stayed at our flat in Worthing for a week back in the 80's, with Geoff Beecham and myself, and playing snooker for a £1.00 a point, he stayed another 8 weeks.
He Will be sadly missed by all.
Sympathies to his family.
Barry Million
Very sad news indeed. I enjoyed working with Chris very much.
He was a real character with a great sense of humour and a
cavalier approach to life. Over the years we lost touch,
even so, I feel a great sense of loss.
Nick Kane
Arrangements have now been made for Chris Stevens funeral to be held at Grästorp Church in Sweden on March 1st 11.00am
If anyone does plan to come over please contact me for further details.
A number of guys both from Saab and other studios in Sweden will attend.
Mike Cartwright
In the short time I had the pleasure to work (and party !) with Chris, he became a good mate of mine. I'm gonna miss him ! My thoughts go to all his family and dear ones !
Sad to hear, especially saying "good bye and see you" only a few weeks ago.
Over the last year, I found Chris' good-naturedness a bright spot in the studio. A good guy to work with, to know and to talk with.
So long Chris, till the next time.
John Geletka
I would just like to send my sympathy to all Chris's friends and family. I had the pleasure to work with Chris for 4 years by Audi in Gaimesheim and Muenchen. We also had a firm together.
Everyone that knew Chris will miss him.
Colin Smith